How Much Macro Should I Eat
When it comes to eating macro-nutrients, or nutrients that are beyond vitamins and minerals, there is no clear cut way to know how much you should eat. This article will go into more detail about what a nutrient rich diet looks like, and some tips for knowing how many of each nutrient you need per day.
Macronutrients include carbohydrates, protein, and fat, but not both proteins nor fats, only one of these three at a time. Carbs are made up of glucose and fructose, which can be found in sugars such as fruits, milk, and vegetables. Protein contains amino acids, and fats contain fatty acid chains. It is important to have enough of all three to ensure your body’s needs are met.
This article will talk mostly about nutritional values of food, and how different foods contribute to our daily intake of carbs, protein, and fat. Some simple rules of thumb will also be given when trying to determine how much of each nutrient you consume every day.
Eat your veggies
Even if you are eating lots of meat, there is still one area where people tend to fall short: vegetables. While having enough fruits and carbs is great for your health, having enough vegetables can be tricky at times.
Most guidelines recommend 8–10 servings per day which equals about 1/2 cup or more of most vegetable types every few hours. That’s a lot to ask from someone who doesn’t enjoy eating their greens!
Luckily, we have some tips here for you! Here are our top 5 easy ways to make sure you’re getting enough vegetables. Try out any of these recipes or create your own!
1. Add them to dishes already containing meat or pasta
This works because both meats and carbs taste good with green foods like broccoli, spinach, or carrots. Make it part of the recipe! For example, add shredded chicken to spaghetti squash or stir cooked brown rice into sautéed vegetables and call it “rice and bobs.”
2. Use them in place of another ingredient
Instead of using butter as flavorizing agent when making baked potatoes, use a soft spread such as olive oil or mashed avocado. Or use coconut milk instead of regular cow’s milk. The same goes for cooking dried beans- just use water instead.
Don’t fear the fat
We are constantly being told that we need to avoid sugar, carbs, and fats in order to be healthy. This is very misleading at best and harmful at worst for your health.
We are also increasingly seeing warnings about how much sodium you should limit yourself to. Both of these messages can be extremely confusing for most people.
Why? Because they make vague references to “healthy eating” or “weight loss”. These concepts seem like good ideas until you realize there are no guidelines as to what constitutes an adequate amount.
What experts agree upon, however, is that you should eat enough food to satisfy your hunger. You should also aim to consume some nutrients per serving – but not so many servings that you overfill your stomach and gain weight instead of losing it.
But what kind of foods are needed to achieve this balance? That depends on your body type.
Thin individuals who want to lose weight may benefit from avoiding carbs and fats since their bodies don’t store large amounts of either one. On the other hand, someone with a more normal build might be better off eating them because their own internal processes require energy and glucose to function.
This article will talk about the nutritional needs of athletes, and whether it’s okay to eat more than average during training periods. It’ll also take a look at the myth that keto diets are always the healthiest choice.
Here are some tips for eating more protein
Another way to increase your intake of healthy proteins is by adding them into your diet through foods or supplements. These include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, and vegetarian/vegan options like tofu and vegetables that may be seasoned with tomato sauce or cheese.
Some people feel that too much red meat can contribute to obesity so they limit their beefy favorites to once per week. Plus, there’s always leftovers!
You don’t have to eat a lot of food to get enough protein. One small meal of chicken breast or one serving of baked potato will do the trick. And if you find yourself hungry, try having a glass of milk instead of dessert as an easy way to satisfy your appetite.
Drinking milk is a great source of calcium, which helps keep bones strong and prevents osteoporosis. Many people still question whether or not milk has enough nutritional value, but it definitely does! A cup (250 ml) contains about eight grams of protein. Make sure to check out our article on the best ways to strengthen your bone health to see why milk is important for your overall health.
I hope this article inspired you to experiment with different types of fresh and cooked meats, fish, and other vegan and vegetarian foods.
Combine protein with carbs for better results
When it comes to eating more of either macro-nutrients or micro-nutrients, there is no wrong way to do it! That said, you can find many recipes and tips that seem to switch which kind of food group they are using in and out.
Some people feel that by mixing both types of foods together, you will get less powerful benefits than having one type alone. This isn’t true at all!
By adding some meat to your diet, you won’t only be giving yourself some extra nutrients, but you may also notice weight loss changes because meat is a good source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B12. All of these elements play important roles in keeping your body functioning properly.
So why not enjoy a few servings of meat every week? Given that most people eat too much empty calories, starting off with a couple of meals per day that include fruits, vegetables, and/or protein could be your new health style.
Eat for the whole food, not just the macros
There is an assumption that eating more vegetables and fruits means you are eating enough macro nutrients like protein, carbohydrate, and fat. While this is true to some extent, it only applies to foods that you make into pure supplements!
Most of us do not eat enough of all three macronutrients in our diets. We may have too much carbs or fats but usually lack adequate levels of protein.
When we limit ourselves to just one type of nutrient, other ones are either missing out or overfed. This does not seem like a balanced way to diet.
By instead choosing several types of nutritious foods, your body will be able to use all of them as needed. These changes can help reduce symptoms and cause health benefits such as weight loss or blood glucose control.
There are many ways to increase your intake of all three nutritional groups. Simply by adding more vegetables and/or meaty foods to your plate, you will achieve that.
Eat your favorite foods
Even though we’re talking about macros, that doesn’t mean you have to make yourself eat bland food. You can always experiment with new recipes or find new ways to prepare old favorites!
There are many different types of diets out there, so it is important to know what works for you. By experimenting with nutrition, you will be able to find one that not only helps you lose weight, but also keeps you in shape and healthy long term.
Eat everything
As we mentioned, most nutritionists suggest eating as many foods as you want to see how much macro-nutrients you have in your diet. That means there is no limit to how many fruits or vegetables you eat, nor are there limits on meat, chicken, or other types of food.
This can be confusing for people who are not used to this way of thinking. They may feel that they should restrict themselves to a certain number of fruits and veggies to meet their daily goal.
But by eliminating this restriction, you are taking away one of the main reasons why people get hungry. Because you never reach your goal, therefore you will always be hungry. This creates an uncomfortable situation for the body.
The gut feels empty more often than it does full, which makes us crave additional food. The longer we wait between meals, the larger our hunger becomes. And when we are hungry, we tend to choose less healthy options so that we do not have to go too long without food.
Eat until you’re full
It is important to know how much macro food you should eat per day. This article will tell you!
I wanted to make this article as simple to follow as possible, so I have broken down all of the information into three easy steps. These steps are:
Step 1: Pick any one of the following foods and try it for one meal (or even two if you like).
Step 2: Measure the amount listed for that food and see how hungry you get after eating it.
Step 3: Repeat these steps every day and you’ll be giving your body the best chance at health by choosing different foods depending on what they do.