How to Meal Plan Successfully
Spending just one or two hours to plan meals for the week ahead will save money and reduce food waste, so create an organized shopping list that contains all required ingredients (including healthy snacks and beverages).
Some prefer planning their menus each week; others might prefer setting an overall schedule. Consider theme days like Pizza Monday and Taco Tuesday to help make planning easier!
Make a list.
Planning ahead over the weekend to select and prepare meals can make a world of difference when it comes to sticking with a meal plan during the week. Not only can it save money by decreasing takeout and delivery expenses, but you will have more control over ingredients and portion sizes you consume – two important benefits when trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Before heading out to the store, take a careful inventory of what food items you already have in your pantry and fridge. Write out a shopping list so as not to overlook anything and waste food by forgetting items – which could result in food waste! Be mindful of ‘use by’ dates on foods; use them before they spoil. Label any freezer recipes as soon as they’ve been completed so as to easily track what’s inside each container!
As part of your meal planning strategy, take an inventory of everyone’s schedule to identify which days and times work best for your family. It can also be beneficial to select themes for each day of the week – for instance: Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, Leftovers Wednesday or Crockpot Thursday can add variety to your menu while making cooking more exciting!
Once you know which meals you plan to prepare, add them to your calendar or planner so that you know when it is time for grocery shopping and cooking. Don’t worry if your busy week proves challenging; just start fresh the following time around.
Meal planning may seem intimidating at first, but it doesn’t need to be. With these 10 easy tips you’ll soon become adept at scheduling meals like an expert. Not long after that you will start saving on food costs while cutting waste! So what are you waiting for? Start meal planning now!
Check the sales.
Meal planning requires some upfront preparation time and dedication, but the extra work pays off when your grocery budget extends further than usual. Make sure to look for items like meat and fresh produce which expire soon, along with staples like rice, frozen vegetables, pasta, spices and sauces which won’t spoil. When their prices drop the most, purchase them and add them to your pantry or refrigerator so you’re prepared when need arises later this month.
Use recipes that produce leftovers you can incorporate into another meal or enjoy as snacks – this will reduce how often meals go to waste, saving both money and effort! Finally, avoid purchasing extraneous items such as oil or sauce specific to one recipe, or ingredients you will only use half of (such as lettuce leaves).
Flipp is a handy app that aggregates store circulars into one location for easy browsing of weekly sales ads from your grocery stores and farmers markets. Farmers markets provide fresh produce at much more reasonable prices; plus it may taste fresher too!
Start small if you’re new to meal planning; starting by planning one recipe a week for several weeks should give you enough experience to stick with it and stay consistent in the long run. As time goes on, increase the time dedicated to meal planning gradually without overwhelming yourself!
Alternatively, to maximize savings consider shopping at discount stores or taking advantage of membership programs like Costco and Sam’s Club to find even better food prices. In addition, many recipes can be found free on websites such as That Clean Life where members can create meal plans with grocery lists and prep guides included.
Aim for variety.
Once you’ve assessed your schedule parameters and pantry inventory, start looking for recipes to meet your dietary requirements and encompass foods from each food group. Also plan for snacks or convenience items, like instant oatmeal or salad kits if necessary.
Once you’ve collected several recipes, examine your schedule and inventory in your fridge and freezer to ascertain how many meals can be made each week based on what’s already there – this will prevent overbuying of groceries that would end up going uneaten later.
Meal planning may seem time-consuming at first, but once you get into a rhythm it becomes simpler. Try setting aside one day each week to create and shop for your meal plan as well as do any prep work if you plan to cook all your meals simultaneously. Additionally, keeping frozen and canned goods stocked in your refrigerator or freezer helps prevent food waste.
Assign a theme to each meal throughout the week – such as Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday or Leftovers Wednesday – to simplify things and reduce stress on busy days. Doing this keeps dinners engaging while alleviating tension in a simple yet impactful way.
Add healthy junk foods into your meal plans in order to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrition your body requires each day – be it adding yogurt for breakfast or munching on nuts throughout the day.
If you’re new to meal planning, start off small until everyone understands the process and is on board with it. Over time, you will build up a repertoire of recipes and become a more proficient meal planner. Although it may take some time before finding your groove with meal planning, once comfortable it can save both stress and money while providing delicious dishes tailored specifically for your family – creating meals tailored exactly to their preferences! You may even discover new favorites!
Plan ahead.
While meal planning may appear time consuming at first, once you develop the habit it can actually save time. By setting aside some of your weekend time to identify how many nights you will be home during the week and plan meals and grocery lists accordingly, meal planning will ensure weeknights won’t become consumed with takeout or last minute scrambling to decide what’s for dinner.
Meal planning helps prevent overbuying food that might end up going to waste, such as soup that’s too thick to finish or salad ingredients that have passed their expiration dates. Stocking your pantry and fridge with staples like canned tomatoes (diced, crushed whole or stewed), dried mushrooms and beans makes creating quick meals even on busy days easier.
Meal planning can save both money and time while helping to ensure a healthier diet, reducing your risk of nutrient deficiencies. When you know exactly what’s being prepared, portion control becomes easier, helping ensure you meet recommended serving sizes for each food group.
Dietitians provide tailored meal planning advice suited specifically for your lifestyle and nutrition goals. If you need help getting started, use our Find a Dietitian tool to connect with dietitians near you.
Start by deciding if you prefer planning weekly or monthly menus; find one that best fits with your family’s schedule, then designate a day each week to track how many nights you’ll be home, select healthy meals, and prepare food ahead. Do this on the same day each week so it becomes part of your weekly home management – you can focus on other tasks knowing dinner will already be taken care of! To stay on track with meal planning use a calendar or downloading free meal-planning apps as a guide – designate certain days such as Meatless Monday or Whole Grain Wednesday.