Is Plan B Healthy?
Plan B is an emergency contraception method designed to significantly decrease your risk of pregnancy by 75-89% when taken within 72 hours of engaging in unprotected sexual activity.
Delaying ovulation prevents eggs from being released from the ovary and makes it harder for sperm to meet them, thus preventing fertilization of eggs.
It’s safe
Plan B is a levonorgestrel morning-after pill designed to lower your risk of pregnancy after engaging in unprotected sex or without birth control measures in place. It works by stopping ovaries from releasing eggs, and decreasing chances of fertilization by sperm. As an emergency contraceptive it is effective and available without prescription from online providers and KFL&A Public Health’s sexual health clinic.
Safe medication that does not cause birth defects, miscarriages or other severe health problems is known as Clomid and doesn’t make you dependent on it; thus ensuring it remains an ideal option for many.
One of the more frequent side effects associated with taking Plan B may be heavier menstrual bleeding or delayed periods, both of which should be seen as normal and should not cause alarm – simply take a pregnancy test at home or consult with healthcare provider if this occurs.
Women using postcoital and emergency contraception may also experience spotting between periods, which is normal. If this problem arises for you, consult your physician about using another method of contraception.
Consult with your physician if you are taking additional medications such as HIV drugs (efavirenz), tuberculosis treatments such as rifampin or seizure medication (epilepsy); these may interfere with Plan B’s effectiveness and increase your chance of becoming pregnant.
Make sure to bring a list of all medications and supplements with you when taking Plan B, so your physician or pharmacist can check to make sure there are no interactions.
Contraceptives such as IUDs can significantly lower your risk of pregnancy by as much as 89% if taken within three days after engaging in sexual activity without protection, although they’re not as reliable or should only be used as backup contraception measures.
Prescription medications should only be taken as instructed, since overdoing it could result in heavier menstrual bleeding or side effects that could harm you or the baby. They should also not be taken by women breastfeeding a baby.
It’s effective
Plan B One-Step emergency contraceptive is a one-dose EC used to protect against pregnancy after unprotected sexual encounter or when regular forms of birth control have failed, typically within 72 hours of using it or when having sexual relations despite such failure. Over time however, its efficacy will decrease.
Plan B is made with levonorgestrel hormone and has a very low risk of side effects when taken appropriately. Any sexually active woman may use it safely.
Taken promptly following unprotected sexual encounter or birth control failure, it can be up to 89% effective at preventing pregnancy and has no long-term effect on fertility or future pregnancy. Furthermore, its safety profile makes it highly tolerable.
Levonorgestrel doesn’t linger in your body for extended periods, which eliminates many of the side effects often associated with birth control pills and patches. Furthermore, it is extremely cost-effective and available both online and at pharmacies without needing a valid prescription.
However, some individuals experience nausea and vomiting after taking this pill. If this occurs for you, be sure to inform a healthcare provider immediately as this could hinder the absorption of medication into the body.
If you experience severe nausea, speak to your healthcare provider immediately about taking another dose. Furthermore, vomiting within 3 hours after taking medication should also be reported immediately as this could prevent your body from fully absorbing all the medication prescribed to you.
Plan B may also become less effective depending on factors like ovulation or weight changes; those who are overweight may need to take it more frequently than women with lower BMI; nonetheless, most will still find it to be around 90% effective.
Women with heavy periods or irregular menstrual cycles may find the pill less effective, leading to changes in bleeding or an earlier or later period cycle. Furthermore, side effects may arise such as changes in bleeding patterns or an earlier or later menstruation cycle.
The Food and Drug Administration recently revised the label of this medication to clarify that it does not prevent fertilized eggs from implanting into your uterus, nor cause abortion. This marks a drastic shift from how it was initially advertised.
It’s easy to take
Plan B is an alternative birth control pill containing levonorgestrel, which mimics natural progesterone to delay ovulation and prevent pregnancy. When other forms of birth control fail or to protect against unplanned pregnancies, Plan B may provide useful protection.
Emergency contraception should only be used as short-term birth control and should only be taken if an unprotected encounter has taken place, or when missing her prescribed pills or IUDs or implants; not as an alternative means of birth control such as IUDs, implants or shots which do not protect against sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B.
Therefore, birth control with hormone implants may not be suitable if a woman intends to get pregnant in the near future. Furthermore, its cost exceeds other methods and it may cause side effects like nausea and pelvic pain.
Emergency contraception is safe and can help women protect against pregnancy in case of an accident or medical emergency. Additionally, it provides another form of birth control (pill or IUD).
Women with blood clotting disorders or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) should consult with their healthcare provider prior to using this option.
Plan B should not be considered when pregnant or planning to become pregnant as it has less effectiveness than other forms of birth control and can result in irregular periods.
Emergency contraceptives may come in handy during an unexpected pregnancy situation; however, they aren’t the ideal form of birth control for most people. While they may help women who are overweight or have a higher body mass index to avoid pregnancy more effectively than with traditional forms, they may cause mild side effects which could compromise its effectiveness altogether.
If you are concerned about the effectiveness of Plan B or another EC method, alternative options such as condoms may be more suitable in terms of pregnancy prevention while remaining less expensive than such products.
Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and may lead to side effects like irregular periods and heavier menstrual bleeding. Furthermore, emergency contraception tends to be more expensive than other forms of birth control – therefore, it would be wiser for you to consult your healthcare provider about which form best meets your needs and budget.
It’s not expensive
Plan B One-Step is an emergency contraceptive pill designed to prevent pregnancy in case your normal birth control regimen fails. You can find this drug over-the-counter at most pharmacies and online retailers without a valid prescription.
Oral contraception pills have an 89% effectiveness rate when taken within 72 hours after engaging in sexual activity unprotected, providing you take it at that window of time.
Plan B and Ella emergency contraceptives (ECs) work by delaying ovulation — when an egg is released from your ovary — as well as fertilization, when sperm join an egg to complete fertilization.
Both pills can be purchased over-the-counter in most pharmacies or at your local health clinic such as Planned Parenthood. Your insurance might even cover them.
Common side effects of both ECs include nausea, stomach pain, headaches and feeling tired or dizzy. Some individuals may also experience changes to their menstrual bleeding cycle such as heavier or lighter bleeding or an extended menstruation cycle of up to one week.
If you are taking Plan B, be sure to examine your medicine cabinet for any potential hinderers to its efficacy, such as seizure or anti-seizure medication which could make the pill less effective. In particular, seizure medicine or antiseizure remedies could impede its performance and should be carefully avoided as these could reduce effectiveness significantly.
Plan B should be taken immediately following unprotected sexual encounter, and stored in a cool, dark location to maximize effectiveness and minimise any possible side effects. Excessive heat may damage or inactivate it altogether.
Plan B is an effective emergency contraception method, but can be expensive without health insurance or access to discounts from an employer or organization. Without prescription coverage it typically ranges between $30-50 per pack without prescription depending on which pharmacy it’s purchased from and your health coverage.
If you’re uncertain whether emergency contraceptives are right for you, speak to your physician about other birth control solutions that might work better for you. They could recommend other forms of birth control which might prove more efficient.