Is Plan B Unhealthy?

is plan b unhealthy

Plan B is an over-the-counter medication commonly known as the morning-after pill that can prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual encounter. It contains three times more progestin than is found in birth control pills and delays or stops ovulation temporarily.

Plan B thickens vaginal fluid so sperm cannot reach an egg. However, repeated use may compromise future fertility.

It’s safe

The morning-after pill, also referred to as Plan B, is a safe and effective method of pregnancy prevention. It works by releasing levonorgestrel into the body to mimic progesterone levels in order to stop ovulation and stop further pregnancy attempts. For maximum effectiveness it should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual encounter; taking it sooner could increase chances of an ectopic pregnancy which requires immediate medical intervention.

In 1999, the FDA granted approval for this medication and it became available by prescription in 2006. In 2009, they decided to make it available over-the-counter; meaning women 18 or over in most states could purchase it without needing a doctor’s prescription. This decision caused much debate regarding moral ideologies as to whether or not such access should be made available over-the-counter.

There are various ways of purchasing Plan B, both online and at drug stores. To save both time and stress in an emergency situation, purchasing it in advance is often best. Also consider carrying around a small container of the drug as you go around town or keeping it handy in your purse or wallet for emergencies.

Morning-after pills aren’t usually dangerous for most people, though taking one may alter your period’s timing or cause spotting. Some women may even experience heavier or longer periods after taking this type of pill – these side effects typically go away once you begin your period again.

Though taking birth control pills is generally safe, they should not be relied upon as long-term birth control solutions as they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Therefore, it’s essential that you discuss alternative birth control options with your healthcare provider for best results.

Plan B can vary based on an individual’s circumstances, with less efficacy if ovulated before engaging in unprotected sexual activity or for people who are overweight or obese; additional research needs to be conducted into whether efficacy decreases with age and increased weight.

It’s effective

Plan B is an emergency contraception method designed to stop pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of engaging in unprotected sexual activity or when your other birth control method has failed. The medication works by blocking sperm and egg encounter, with its three times more levonorgestrel content than regular birth control pills affecting hormone patterns necessary for conception – either delaying its release from an ovary, or stopping fertilized eggs from attaching themselves to the uterus.

Plan B can be an effective means of avoiding pregnancy; however, it shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for traditional methods like combined oral contraceptives and progestin-only pills which provide longer-acting protection from miscarriage risk and offer greater efficacy against unwanted pregnancies.

Plan B can cause mild side effects like nausea, abdominal pain and changes to vaginal discharge that typically subside quickly; if they persist seek medical advice. It should also be noted that Plan B won’t work if you are allergic to levonorgestrel or another medication used to treat an allergy; additionally it may become less effective if your BMI exceeds 30.

Plan B is often kept on hand as an emergency contraception solution and should be stored at room temperature to preserve its potency and not lose effectiveness. Exposing it to extreme temperatures like those found in cars and freezers may lead to its loss.

Though long-term Plan B use remains controversial, most experts agree it’s safe. Studies published in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology demonstrate its safety, with researchers noting no increased risk of birth defects or other health problems for women taking multiple doses each month. If severe side effects arise (chest pain, hives or difficulty breathing), medical attention should always be sought immediately.

It’s easy to take

Plan B is a quick and simple way to avoid pregnancy, working by stopping ovulation (when sperm enters the uterus to start new cycles). For optimal effectiveness, take it within 72 hours after unprotected sexual encounter; both taking it with food or without is safe; however seizure medications could interfere with its effectiveness if taken together.

Plan B is readily available at pharmacies and online retailers at an economical cost, boasting a 95% success rate. For your own safety and to stay protected, keep some in your medicine cabinet to be used when needed. It should be remembered, though, that Plan B won’t prevent sexually transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS, herpes genitalium chlamydia or hepatitis B or C infections and won’t help end an already existing pregnancy.

Some individuals taking Plan B may experience side effects after taking this emergency contraceptive, such as vomiting. Any severe adverse reactions should be reported immediately to a healthcare provider for assistance and monitoring purposes. Vomiting after taking Plan B may decrease its effectiveness; should this occur, seek medical advice immediately from your provider for best practices.

If you are uncertain whether you are pregnant, a home pregnancy test can provide a reliable way of testing. Because Plan B can delay menstruation cycles by up to one week, taking the test several days after taking Plan B may provide more accurate results.

Plan B is only 95% effective, leaving some chance that pregnancy could still occur. You can lower the odds by using condoms, practicing abstinence or hormonal forms of birth control such as IUDs. Consult with your OB-GYN regarding risks; certain forms of contraception are more suitable than others for different women; copper IUDs offer effective permanent solutions.

It’s not expensive

Plan B is an economical and safe emergency contraception option. Available over the counter at most pharmacies and drugstores, as well as some health clinics like Planned Parenthood, you can purchase it safely over the counter. Although side effects tend to be mild with this pill, if severe pain or bleeding persist for over seven days seek medical advice immediately.

Plan B is a concentrated form of the same hormones found in low-dose birth control pills, making it three times stronger. This may result in changes to your menstrual cycle such as lighter or heavier bleeding; or delaying it by up to one week – both are common side effects and will eventually return back to their regular schedule after several months.

Most insurance plans don’t cover Plan B, an over-the-counter contraceptive pill. You can find it at most major drugstores and online, as well as through your ob-gyn or Planned Parenthood for free if eligible; bulk purchases of Plan B can save money.

Since taking too early can result in pregnancy, it’s wise to use a home pregnancy test before using Plan B. If unsure, speak to an ob-gyn or pharmacist for assistance selecting an ideal test.

Plan B works by stopping ovulation, thus preventing sperm and egg from meeting, thus preventing pregnancy. For maximum effectiveness, take it within 72 hours of unprotected sexual contact; however, as this method cannot prevent an ongoing pregnancy it should still be combined with barrier birth control methods as an additional barrier measure.

Plan B can cause mild side effects, including nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain; typically these side effects will subside quickly. You can reduce nausea by taking your pills with food and plenty of liquid; any stomach pain lasting more than a few days should be reported immediately as this could indicate an ectopic pregnancy (life-threatening). You should also notify your physician immediately if lower abdominal discomfort arises that is unrelated to menstruation or periods.

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